About Redland Concrete Plain Tiles
Redland is a brand of the worldwide Braas Monier Building Group. With operations in 36 countries and over 100 production sites, Braas Monier is the leading worldwide supplier of pitched roofing materials. Operating in the UK and Ireland our goal is to deliver high quality roofing solutions that perfectly match our customers’ expectations.
Plain Tile -Redlands range of concrete plain tiles are quick and easy to lay and offer great versatility and scope for varied effects. The tile features a double camber from side to side as well as from head to tail which textures the roof adding rich detail to a building.
Tiles are available in a wide range of different surface finishes, including smooth, sanded and granular to blend with traditional roofing materials throughout the country.
Heathland – A cross-cambered concrete plain tile of traditional appearance. It features an uneven leading edge, irregular sides and textured sanded surface creating a hand-made clay appearance but at a fraction of the cost. Available in a wide range of colours to offer a variety of design options.
Concrete plain tiles are the same size and shape as clay plain tiles and are available on colours that mimic the clay plain tiles appearance. The price of the concrete plain tile is generally less than the clay equivalent however the pigment of the colour in the concrete fades over time.
About Concrete Tiles
Concrete tiles were introduced in the 1950’s as a cost effective alternative to clay tiles and have become one of the most popular choice of roof covering across the UK. Developed and produced to imitate the clay tile, offering longevity, durability, and versatility. There is a vast choice of tiles in different sizes, styles, colours and textures. Unlike clay tiles they do not improve in colour over time.